Siberian Huskies are an energetic breed, but all that exercise requires a lot of rest. Whilst we all know that most Huskies would be happy to sleep outside in the rain, the place where they sleep can impact their health. With...
Choosing the correct leash will either make walking your Malamute easy or hard. There are many different views on what type of leash works best for Malamutes, so I will first address that issue. I will then run through the best...
An Siberian Huskies collar is very important, not only for walking purposes but also for identification. Finding the right one can be difficult though, especially with a Husky’s thick coat making it almost impossible for their name tags to stick out....
Labradors are a breed known for being sweet, intelligent, loyal, and rarely aggressive – merely big lovers. But adding a Labrador to the family means being committed to providing the amount of exercise they need and deserve. How Much Exercise Does...
When the weather becomes hotter, you may think shaving your Labrador will help them stay cool. In fact, it does not, it actually does the opposite. The double coat protects them from overheating on those hot, summer days. In this article...
Drooling is very natural in Labradors and there are many reasons why they drool. In this article we will discuss reasons why your dog may be drooling and if they are serious or not. If it is a serious issue, we...
Looking for the best toys to get for your Labrador puppy?The great thing about puppy toys is that if you use them the right way, they can help with:...
Want to know if Labradors are easy to train? The short answer is yes. Labradors are easy to train because they’re smart, loyal dogs that love to please people. They were bred to be hunting dogs and work with humans, so...
Want to know if Labradors are good with kids? The short answer is yes, but there’s a lot more to it. In this article, you’ll learn: if Labradors can be aggressive if Labradors are protective how Labradors are around babies and...
Labradors are beautiful and friendly dogs. They get along well with adults, kids, and other pets, including cats. But do they smell? We answer that question, and give you ways to keep your Lab smelling clean and fresh. Do Labradors Smell...